We are glad you are here. We believe that God works through the members and friends of this family of faith in order to carry out the work of the church.
1st–5th Graders will explore five different characters who embody qualities of strong women. Some of these qualities include standing up for what they believe in and finding strength in the face of challenging events. Plus we'll have lots of fun along the way! Click here to register
Dates: June 22, Sunday through June 27th, Friday! Total cost of the trip is $650 per participant and includes EVERYTHING! Want to go? Get registered here and pay a non refundable $100 deposit! Parents meeting to be held December 8, Sunday, at 9:30am. For further information, please contact Michael. Click here to register
Hey 7th and 8th grade confirmation students! Get signed up for the confirmation retreat today! We will be heading out to WAPO for a time of fun, games, faith and conversation! It’s going to be a great time so get signed up today! -Michael Click here to register
We are having a High School Hangout on Friday, February 21st! We will play games, put on a movie and eat some food! Time: 7:00pm-10:00pm Come join us and hang out! Any questions? Contact Michael Carmack. Click here to register
Kids of the Kingdom partners with families to nurture and grow the faith of children. As parents, you are the primary faith nurturers for your children. Our goal is to help you inspire and further their faith through worship, fellowship, learning, service, and outreach. Cost $45.00 Classes are offered Sundays during the 9:30 and 10:45 […] Click here to register
Education for 6th-8th Grade for the 2024/2025 school year will include: 6th Grade is a Foundational Year: In-between Concrete & Abstract Thinking $55– enter # of participants in the quantity field, not dollar amount. Thank you! • Prayer: Practices• Martin Luther & history of Lutheranism• Small Catechism: Lord’s Prayer, 10 Commandments, Apostle’s Creed, & the […] Click here to register
Cancer Support Meeting for those with cancer, second Monday of the month, 6:30pm-7:30pm at King of Kings Lutheran Church. Being diagnosed with cancer can be very scary and stressful. Accepting our diagnosis is challenging. While every person’s cancer journey is unique to them, there is great value in building a camaraderie with those that can share their journey, faith and support. […] Click here to register