Ready, Set, Grow (RSG) is a Lutheran preschool where your child can develop and explore their faith. Our goal is to provide a Christian atmosphere of warmth, understanding, and caring.
Our goal is to help you, as a parent, inspire and further your child’s faith through worship, fellowship, service, and outreach.
Confirmation is a time for your student to take ownership of their faith; it’s an opportunity for them to take on the promises that were made for them during baptism.
King of Kings offers several education opportunities for older kids and teens, from our new high school youth group, Rejuvenate, to our senior Baccalaureate services and everything in between.
Are you looking to grow spiritually? Do you long to have a stronger faith but not sure how to do that? Are you looking to make new friends and build relationships?
This is a great place to start!
Growing spiritually doesn’t happen just when we know what Jesus says. It happens when we put His Words into action in our lives and we do that best when we are connected to others within a community of faith. King of Kings offers many opportunities to grow stronger in faith and to be in closer community with others. No matter where you are in your faith walk, we invite you to come, learn and grow in God’s love with others. Please take some time to look through these groups and discussions below and see where God is leading you so you can grow stronger in Him.
If you have questions about any of these opportunities and how you can get involved, please contact the individuals listed with each group or contact Laurel Bornholtz. We would love to help you on your journey of faith!
God’s GALS (God’s Amazing Love Shared)
God’s GALS (God’s Amazing Love Shared)
God’s GALS is a ministry for adult women who are looking for in-depth Bible study, fellowship, service, and fun. Every meeting consists of a combination of large and small group study time. The group comes together every year for at least one service project. They also have celebrations and special events that nourish the fellowship and learning experience.
Register on our website under Registrations
When: Wednesdays, Fridays or Saturdays
Where: In person at Church and via Zoom
Who: All adult women
Contact: Annette Sherill
Daytime Book Club
Daytime Book Club
Readers unite!
The Daytime Book Club brings readers of all ages together discussion led by Peggy Sorensen.
Where: Holy Grounds Cafe at Church
Time: 10:00-12:00
Click Here for schedule and books
PM Book Discussion Group
PM Book Discussion Group
Readers unite! The PM Book Discussion Group is our very own book club that brings readers of all ages together to share thoughts and grow in faith. The group meets once every two months to join in fellowship and discuss a book they read the weeks before. One member will lead the discussion and provide insight into the story and its relevance to the Christian faith.
Where: At Church: Click here to see books and schedule.
Who: Avid readers of all ages
Contact: Bev Boyer
King's Daughters
King’s Daughters is a women’s Bible study group that provides a casual and relaxed atmosphere for women of all ages to spend time socializing while digging deeper into the Word of God. Each meeting, the group works to better understand scripture and its importance for women’s lives today. Every year, the King’s Daughters takes on a new Bible study series.
When: Third Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m.
Where: At Church
Who: Women of all ages looking to connect and grow spiritually
Contact: Trudy Cowman
King's Sisters
King’s Sisters brings together retired and semi-retired women for the purpose of fellowship and education. This group has monthly meetings that include lunch and a program. They also take part in events around the community such as art gallery tours and outings to local restaurants and attractions.
When: Second Thursday of most month
Where: Varies
Who: Retired & semi-retired women looking to socialize and grow spiritually
Contact: Ruth Kosek
Retired Men's Group
This is an active group of retired men who enjoy socializing, serving, and learning together. The group’s monthly meetings include breakfast and an educational and inspirational guest speaker. The men also stay active by taking on various projects around the church and the community as the need arises.
When: 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:45 a.m.
Where: Holy Grounds Café
Who: Retired men looking to learn and grow with others
Contact: Keith Weber
King of Kings Men's Ministry
King of Kings Men’s Ministry’s vision is to challenge men to be bold and intentional leaders in their home, work, and community to create a Godly legacy. This is accomplished by encouraging men to connect with each other and the community through fellowship, discipleship, and service. This group’s monthly meetings are centered on fellowship and Bible study; they also take part in various service projects and social events throughout the community.
Bible and Breakfast
When: Second Saturday of month
Where: In-Person at Church Cafe’
Who: Men of all ages are welcome! No cost or registration required
Disciple Groups (D-Groups)
Monday/Tuesday: 6:30AM-7:30AM Youth Room
Sunday: 10 10:45-11:45 Fellowship Hall W. Conf. Room
Resolute Men’s Study
Last Saturday of the Month
9:00AM Church Café
Contact: King of Kings Men’s Ministry
Toastmasters Club – The King's Speakers
Toastmasters is an international organization dedicated to improving communication and leadership skills. The club at King of Kings includes some faith-based aspects that members might not find in other clubs. Members find fellowship through weekly interactions, improved listening skills, increased comfort when speaking with groups of any size (both formally and extemporaneously), and improved communication and leadership skills.
When: Thursdays from 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Where: In Person at Church and via Zoom
Who: Members and guests are always welcome
Contact: Laura Griffith
MomCo (previously MOPS)
Are you looking for connection with other moms? Join MomCo at King of Kings! Our group is a chapter of MOPS international, ministering to moms of children ages newborn through elementary school.
When: Twice a month on Mondays from 7:00-9:00 p.m., September–May
Where: At Church
Do you have questions about our Worship services or programs? Or do you have a prayer request? Reach out to King of Kings.
We’re here to welcome you and answer any questions you may have!