
Pre-K 5th Grade

We at King of Kings believe that growing in faith is a lifelong journey. It’s a journey that starts when we enter into formal education in PreK and winds its way through Middle School, High School and beyond.

Kids of the Kingdom

Kids of the Kingdom (Sunday School) is for children age 3 (must be 3 by September 1, 2024) through 5th Grade for the 2024/2025 school year. Kids of the Kingdom partners with families to nurture and grow the faith of children. As parents, you are the primary faith nurturers for your children. Our goal is to help you inspire and further their faith through worship, fellowship, learning, service, and outreach. In-person classes will be offered on Sunday mornings at 9:30 and 10:45 (September–May). Please contact Paula Arland.


Registration is live here:

KOTK Featured Image
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

— Matthew 19:14

Our Faith Milestone program gives parents and children a chance to learn about their faith together and equips parents with tools to continue this faith journey at home. Each workshop is designed for a specific age group. Parents and children will attend the workshops together. Families should look for an invitation to these events with specific details. If you have questions, please contact Paula Arland, our Faith Milestone Coordinator.

First Step: Welcome to Kids of the Kingdom (PreK children new to Kids of the Kingdom) Usually occurs in September
First Step PreK Faith Milestone welcomes our littlest learners and their families to Kids of the Kingdom. Families start in worship to receive a special blessing marking the start of their formal faith education. Following the blessing, we move to our Kids of the Kingdom PreK classrooms for a short “workshop”. Here, children will experience a shortened Kids of the Kingdom class and parents will learn about faith education at King of Kings and be encouraged to attend class/worship regularly.

Kindergarten Bible Blessing (Kindergarten children and parents) Usually occurs in late spring
We celebrate kindergarten age children just on the cusp of beginning to read by blessing their Spark Story Bible in worship and spending time together in a workshop format learning how to use our Spark Story Bible. Together, we explore our Bible and how to find stories in it; discover that it has an Old Testament section and a New Testament section and what is unique to them; and encourage each other to read our Bible on a regular basis. Children also have a chance to make a special book mark for their Bible and parents to write a special message on the inside.

Lord’s Prayer (First grade children and parents) Usually occurs in late January/early February
Lord’s Prayer Faith Milestone explores the words to the Lord’s prayer, what they mean and how we can apply them to our lives; discover that the Lord’s prayer is the foundation of prayer that Jesus gives us to use; understand that we have a direct relationship with God through prayer and create a plan to make prayer a regular part of our daily routine.

Following the workshop, families will go to worship together and children will have an opportunity to lead the congregation in saying the Lord’s Prayer.

Kids & Money Faith Milestone (Second grade children and parents) Usually occurs late September/early October
Kids & Money Faith Milestone is intended to help families start talking about money and how we use it. Together, we will learn about the biblical foundation of being a good steward, discover the source and giver of all our possessions and how to use our resources wisely. We will look at different ways children can manage their money. Children will also be issued a six-seven week “offering” challenge of an amount they determine during the workshop to be donated to a special mission outreach project.

Following the workshop, families will go to worship together. Second grade children will have an opportunity to celebrate the end of their offering challenge by participating in the Ingathering during worship. Families will also be encouraged to usher throughout the year.

Exploring My Bible Faith Milestone (Third grade children and parents) Usually occurs in October
Blessing during worship
Workshop from 3:30-5pm
Partnering with parents, we help place Bibles into the hands of our third grade children during a special blessing in worship. That afternoon third grade children and a parent take part in a workshop designed to teach them how to use their new Bible. Together, we will learn amazing facts about it, how to use it and give away special prizes (book covers, tabs, pens, etc…).

First Communion Faith Milestone (Fourth grade children and older who have not yet received instruction, and parents) Usually occurs in February/March/April
First Communion is an amazing experience for our fourth grade children and families at King of Kings. In preparation for their workshop, children will observe communion during worship and talk about what they saw to kick off this milestone. In addition, they will have an opportunity to interview four different people to discover what Holy Communion means to them. Children and a parent are asked to attend one of two workshops that are offered. During the workshop they will experience a Seder meal, explore what Sacraments are and the benefits we receive from them, learn how to receive communion. Children have an opportunity to write a special prayer that is included in the worship bulletin.

First Communion is celebrated on Maundy Thursday during Holy Week. During this service, we remember as a community Jesus instituting this holy meal with a special song and re-enactment and participate in receiving Holy Communion.

Ten Commandments Faith Milestone (Fifth grade children and parent[s]) Usually occurs in November
Ten Commandments Faith Milestone is an in-depth look at God’s guidelines for our lives and how we can still follow God’s rules for us. We examine each commandment and how we can apply it to our lives today.

Following the workshop, families will attend worship as a large group.

Faith Rocks! is an important part of our Kids of Kingdom ministry. By highlighting a key verse in one of the Bible lessons that the children explore each month, Faith Rocks! builds a Biblical core that children will be able to use throughout their lives. Faith Rocks! challenges all of us to memorize key scripture passages, and learn how to apply them to our daily lives.

Each month, your child’s teacher will introduce the current Faith Rocks! verse and work with them in class on it. Parents are encouraged to reinforce what their Kids of the Kingdom student is doing in the classroom: look up the passage in their Bible, read the section that it is found in, help them memorize the verse. Most importantly, remind them to recite the verse to their teacher to receive a Faith Rocks! rock, painted with a Christian symbol, available in the Children’s Ministry workroom. Students are encouraged to trade in 3 rocks for a cool prize once 3 Faith Rocks! rocks have been earned.

MONTHLY VERSES (2024/2025):

OCTOBER – “I am the Lord your God.” Exodus 20:2a

NOVEMBER –“Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.” Ruth 1:16b

DECEMBER – “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!’” Luke 2:13-14

JANUARY – “Go, let it be done for you according to your faith.” Matthew 8:13b

FEBRUARY – “They said to him, ‘Lord, let our eyes be opened.’” Matthew 20:33

MARCH – “He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’” Matthew 22:37

APRIL – “Do no doubt but believe.” John 20:27c

BONUS – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19