Ready, Set, Grow (RSG) is a Lutheran preschool in Woodbury, MN where your child can grow, experiment, and discover their world. We promote the social, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual development of children ages 3 (by Sept. 1st) through 5-years-old.
At King of Kings Preschool, our goal is to provide a Christian atmosphere of warmth, understanding, and caring. We create a place for your child to be the unique person that God created where learning is fun and meaningful.
The RSG Woodbury Preschool program provides opportunities for children to explore materials, engage in activities, and to interact with peers and adults. We nurture their curiosity so that they can learn and construct their own understanding of the world around them. Ready, Set, Grow Preschool encourages children to make choices and solve problems in a safe, positive environment that promotes independence, healthy self-esteem, and emotional and social development.
— Matthew 19:14
Complete the form to schedule a tour of Ready, Set, Grow Preschool in Woodbury. During the tour, a member of our team will walk you through our classrooms, talk through the RSG curriculum, and answer any questions you have about our preschool.
— Parent of a RSG Student
— Parent of RSG Student
At Ready, Set, Grow Preschool, your child will have opportunities to take part in a variety of exciting activities! From producing plays to traveling to Hawaii, there’s no shortage of fun to be had. Some of our favorite activities include:
Ready, Set, Grow offers preschool programing from September through May for ages 3-5. Each class is led by a team of teachers and promotes independence, health self-esteem, and emotional and social development. We offer the following classes for 2024/2025:
9:00–11:30 a.m.
Sun Bears: Mon/Wed
Teddy Bears: Tues/Thurs
Tuition: $186/month
9:30 a.m – 2:30 p.m.
2-Day Black Bears: Mon/Wed
2-Day Brown Bears: Tues/Thurs
Tuition: $316/month
3-Day Black Bears: Mon/Wed/Fri
3-Day Brown Bears: Tues/Thurs/Fri
Tuition: $437/month
9:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m.
The Fives program is designed for children
eligible for Kindergarten, but choose not to go.
Polar Bears: Mon/Wed/Fri
Tuition: $437/month
Ready, Set, Grow Preschool was founded in 1983 as a ministry of King of Kings Lutheran Church in Woodbury, MN. Over the past 38 years, Ready, Set, Grow has touched thousands of families throughout the Twin Cities, helping kids explore their world while growing closer to God.
Our caring team of teachers and administrators have years of experience in education and childcare. Each member shares a passion for helping kids grow and learn new things every day. From story time and math class to outdoor play and devotion, our team will inspire your child to explore new things and grow in their faith.
At our King of Kings Ready, Set, Grow Preschool, we believe that early learning and exploration in a supportive environment is important and essential. Research in child development indicates that children learn as they play and interact with other children, adults, and their environment—an active learning process.
The RSG curriculum provides opportunities for your child to play and learn through a variety of experiences in language literacy, math, science, dramatic play, music, and movement. We encourage your child to make smart choices and guide them to solve problems in a safe/positive environment. If you’re looking for preschools in Woodbury, MN, we’d love to meet you and your child. Let us show you what the Ready, Set, Grow Preschool at King of Kings Lutheran Church has to offer.
Mrs. Andrea Villanueva
Mrs. Amy Anderson
Mrs. Amy Grunewald
Mrs. Molly Krismer
Mrs. Paula Bruzek
Mrs. Amy Johnson
Mrs. Jasmine Chepulis
Mrs. Beth Cauwels
Mrs. Colleen Long
Mrs. Lisa Omundson
Monday, September 9, Orientations
Sun Bears 9:00 – 9:45
Black Bears 10-10:45
Polar Bears 11-11:45
Tuesday, September 10, Orientations
Teddy Bears 9:00-9:45
Brown Bears 11:00 – 11:45
Wednesday, September 11, First Day of School
Sun Bears 9:00 – 11:30
Black Bears 9:30 – 2:30
Polar Bears 9:00 – 2:00
Thursday, September 12, First Day of School
Teddy Bears 9:00 – 11:30
Brown Bears 9:30 – 2:30
Wednesday and Thursday, October 9-10, Picture Days
Wednesday through Friday, October 16-18, MEA- NO SCHOOL
Friday, November 1, NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, November 5th, Election Day NO SCHOOL
Wednesday through Friday, November 13-15, Conferences- School TBA
Wednesday through Friday, November 27-29, Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL
Monday, December 2, NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, December 18, Christmas Programs
Sun Bears 11:00
Black Bears 1:30
Thursday, December 19, Christmas Programs
Teddy Bears 11:00
Brown Bears 1:30
Friday, December 20, Christmas Program
Polar Bear 1:00
Monday, December 23, through Friday, January 3, Christmas Break- NO SCHOOL
Monday, January 6, School Resumes
Thursday, January 9, Registration for 2025/2026 School Year Begins
Thursday, January 16, Open House 4:00-6:00PM
Friday, January 17, Open House 10:00AM-12:00PM
Monday, January 20, Martin Luther King Day NO SCHOOL
Thursday, January 23, Priority Registration Closes
Friday, February 14, Prep Day- NO SCHOOL
Monday, February 17, Presidents Day- NO SCHOOL
Monday, March 10 through Monday, March 17, Spring Break- NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, April 16, and Thursday, April 17, Conferences-School Schedule TBA
Friday, April 18, Good Friday- NO SCHOOL
Monday, April 21, Easter Monday- NO SCHOOL
Monday, May 19, Spring Program
Sun Bears 11:00
Tuesday, May 20, Spring Program
Teddy Bears 11:00
Wednesday, May 21, Graduation
Black Bears 10:00
Polar Bears 1:00
Thursday, May 22, Graduation
Brown Bears 10:00
Can be brought in at September Orientation
We appreciate any supplies families bring in. We have a list for each child and a list of things
that we use a lot of and are always helpful to have donated. We appreciate your contribution and we love to take donated supplies any time of the school year!
Thanks so much!
Each Child:
-1 Box of Facial Tissue
-1 Roll of Paper Towel
-1 Pack of Crayola Crayons
-1 Bottle Elmer’s School Glue 4 oz.
Always Helpful:
-Mavalus Tape (available on Amazon – we use White)
– Kwik Cover table coverings: Available at: and Amazon – We Use: Blue 30” x
-Lakeshore Learning’s Dough: Available at Lakeshore Learning Stores – we love all colors
-Large bottles of bubbles
-Sidewalk Chalk
-Ziploc Bags (all sizes but we mostly use Gallon size)
Ready Set Grow is located in the northeast section of King of Kings Lutheran Church. The RSG entrance is from the East parking lot.
Do you have questions about our Worship services or programs? Or do you have a prayer request? Reach out to King of Kings.
We’re here to welcome you and answer any questions you may have!